

268 名前:名無しさん@1周年[age] 投稿日:2016/05/02(月) 14:41:46.91 ID:6Xcc4HXi0


The world's 15 biggest tax havens https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/the-worlds-15-biggest-tax-havens/

15. Guernsey
14. Bermuda
13. Bahrain
12. Malaysia (Labuan)
11. Panama
10. Japan
This is a bit harsh on Japan… it’s only this high up on the list because its financial services industry is one of the world’s biggest. The problem here is that while most countries are getting better at cracking down on tax avoidance, Japan is arguably going the other way. In the past, any Japanese company that had a subsidiary registered in a tax haven country had to send their profits back to Japan so that they’d be taxed in Japan. Until 2011, Japan defined “tax haven country” as a country taxing 25% or less tax on income. That was downgraded to 20% or less in 2011, and in 2015, this has changed again to “under 20%”. What this means is that fewer companies are having to send their profits back to Japan for full taxation, making it easier to avoid tax.
9. Jersey
8. Germany
7. Lebanon
6. USA
5. Singapore
4. Cayman Islands
3. Hong Kong
2. Luxembourg
1. Switzerland 
Aaaaand the real #1?  the UK and its satellite secrecy jurisdictions

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